Olive Lip Balm (Odorless)
        天然 无添加 润而不腻
        功能:特别添加油橄榄果油,深层滋润,牢牢锁住水分,富含牛油果树果脂 (乳油木果脂),润而不腻,有助提升唇部肌肤弹力,柔润双唇。同时蕴含维生素E,有效抗氧化,有助淡化唇纹。
       Efficacies: This product is specially added with organic olive oil which can deeply moisturize the skin and firmly lock the moisture. In addition, it is rich in shea butter which is moist but not oily and can help to improve the elasticity of lip skin, soften and moisturize your lips. Meanwhile, it contains Vitamin E which can effectively resist oxidation and help to fade your lip wrinkles out.
       Usage: Gently turn the lip balm about one centimeter outward, and then evenly daub it onto your lips. Please do not turn it to the end at one time; otherwise, the lip balm may break easily.